Hello, I'm Paige!
Most people find that writing the “About Me” page is a daunting task. Well, it turns out that I am no different ~ I would rather deflect and say, "lets talk about you!"
I have a Bachelor of Science in Design. I worked through my career as a Fine Jewelry Designer and, then, a Graphic Designer for many years.
My love for animals, especially horses, blossomed into my participation in many facets of the equestrian world. Naturally, I was riding and being a barn girl in as many ways as possible. I volunteered for many years, both on a polo farm and at a Therapeutic Riding Center. I spent the most time working with the horses. I definitely connect with animals more naturally than I do with people.
I am most proud of the years spent providing extremely difficult medical care for a horse (not mine) with melanomas (cancer) until the day he passed.
I am very lucky to have grown up with kind and supportive parents on the east coast. Later in life I married the man of my dreams. We love to travel, ballroom dance and keep life positive. It wouldn't be a complete description without mentioning the two dogs that were important in my life, Skipper & the fabulous Sporty.
Here I am, present day, excited about my career in freelance photography. My work ranges within equestrian, polo action, editorial, branding and floral interests. Polo and polo ponies are my specialty. Capturing the mood, beauty and details that positively reflect a subject(s) or brand is my mission.
My photography focus is providing digital images for social media, website building and printed materials for magazines, brands and individuals. I hope that my portfolio will give you an overview of how I can fulfill your photography needs. See my Contact Page to get in touch with me to discuss your project.
Here I am and here is the scoop. I hate having my photo taken! I included a bit of reality in my choice of photo. I am hugging a polo pony for security, as I endure the shot. I am wearing my one of a kind, self-designed "Follow Me on @poloponies" over-the-top polo hat. Keep the style and the humor rocking!